Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Blog is a no-go

After talking to the principal of the school, I'm not going to be able to do the blog. I wish this wasn't the case, but it is what it is.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Classroom Blog

I have set up a blog for my 2nd grade class that I'm gonna have for student teaching. I'm nervous but exciting about using this technology as a way for my students and their parents to see what we're doing and to find important information, educational games/activities, and photos of the kids doing projects in class, etc.

I'm gonna have to write a letter to the parents making sure that they know about the site and that they're ok with pics of their kids online.

Hoping this will be a positive thing for all involved! Tell me what you think:


rolling along

Friday, I had my Student Teaching Seminar that lasted from 9am-4pm at MTSU. I was able to meet my University Supervisor at that time- though I already knew her and love her! She was my Math Methods professor too. Though I know we have a lot to accomplish, she did her best not to overwhelm us or get our stress level up too badly. I believe sometime next week after school, we're going to meet at her house and talk more in depth about some of those things we'll be doing such as our Work Sample.

We also had a good class about becoming a confident teacher. The speaker was very energetic and interesting. She gave us some good tips and strategies that I think will come in handy during student teaching and beyond.

I carpooled with my friend, Barbara, and we had planned ahead to possibly stay in Murfreesboro after the seminar because the weather isn't great and we had to be right back up there the next day to take our Praxis exams. I had to be at the school by 7:15am.

I took my last 2 exams and felt pretty confident about them both, which I hope is a good sign. :0)

I have a list of things that need to be done tonight to help prepare me for my 2nd grade student teaching class that begins tomorrow. I'm nervous and excited; I just want to get in there and begin! Wish me luck!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I got my Placement Letter for Student Teaching in the mail about a week ago. It said that I would be in my county for both placements. It gave me the name of my universtiy supervisor (score- I got the lady I wanted!) The only thing it didn't tell me is what school and grades I'll be teaching. Bummer. I have to call tomorrow (Jan 6) to be told my placement. We are supposed to go into our school by Jan 7 to introduce ourselves to our cooperating teacher and principal and to get a feel for the school and its layout. Yeesh.

Jan 8, I have to be at MTSU by 9am (early!!!) for a student teacher meeting, where I will hopefully come away with answers and an ease about all this (haha). Saturday, Jan 9, I take my last 2 Praxis exams, and Monday I start placement. W O W . I don't feel I have time to breathe and take it all in and be prepared.

Tonight and tomorrow I will be looking over notes and things to prepare for the Praxis. Please say a prayer for me.