Friday, May 21, 2010


My diploma came in the mail today!

My 5 year old daughter, Savannah, was with me when I got it.

Me: I got my diploma, Savannah!!

S: What's a diploma?

Me: It's a piece of paper that you get after you have graduated.

S: Well, why are you so happy?

Awww, bless's so hard to explain so I really didn't try, but Happy I am!

I'm still not sure that it's hit me that I am an actual college graduate, but knowing it is another matter and for that second, opening my diploma and reading it, my brain knew what it meant!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A week from today....

....I will GRADUATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Two Wong's Don't Make a White!"

Thursday, I went with a friend and fellow student teacher to see Harry Wong and his wife, Rosemary, at a conference at MTSU. I have his book, "First Days of School" and have read, reread, and marked the pages so much, you wouldn't believe it's less than a year old! lol

I couldn't wait to hear him speak...and he did NOT disappoint. He and his wife both took over four hours to walk us through the book, explain more in detail, give examples, and show us where to "beg, steal, and borrow". They are both very funny (take the title quote as just one small example)and very friendly, "down-to-earth" people.

They were so generous that during the breaks, they signed books, took pictures, and talked to anybody and everybody that approached them. My friend, Barbara, and I got a picture with the both of them (which she has and I need to get soon) and signed our book.

It sure beat going to the Professional Learning Conference that the middle school was having that day and I was excused from! :)

I know that I've officially become a geek, but I don't mind one bit.